The magazine celebrates luxury, not only unaffordable fashion but luxury through any means, be it through a witty rumour or a do-it-yourself project to transform an old garment. It unashamedly showcases the best products on the market in fashion, jewellery and beauty. Ten does not hope to sell an image that is accessible, it instead, flagrantly chooses to provide an unattainable image but have fun with it.
Ten has no set writers, except Editor Sophie Neophitou-Apostolou, instead choosing to vary its contributors seasonally. This allows readers to experience an abundance of some of the best writers, photographers and stylists in the industry.
The magazine does not feature celebrities but rather relishes in rumours flying around the fashion industry. The ‘gossip’ page on Ten is more then just your typical celebrity gossip page in a fashion magazine but rather a well articulated, humorous page containing tongue in cheek one liners and comical clues into the identity of the culprit.
The magazine is text heavy and not just reliant on visually appealing fashion spreads. Through its use of some of the world most respected journalists Ten is able to provide articles written with an opinion that are often more daring and bold then the rest on the market today.
My favoured contributor to Ten magazine is Hadley Freeman. Whilst being the deputy fashion editor at The Guardian she has also written a book, ‘The Truth About Sunglasses’. Her wit, intelligence and her ability to put the reader at ease during her opening sentence through speaking to the reader in a very casual, yet formal manner, as if one was a friend who she is recalling her recent trip to Paris to has ensured she is the writer of my favourite article every issue.
I considerer Ten magazine to be my fashion bible and would choose it out of any other magazine on the market today for it’s cutting edge approach to fashion and the industry as a whole.

Image: google
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